Thursday, March 5, 2009

O'Leary serious about toilet charge

Ryanair's CEO Michael O'Leary confirmed today that he wasn't joking when he suggested that the airline would consider charging for the use of toilets on the airline's aircraft.
O'Leary said that there were technical and safety reasons which would prevent the use of coin operated slots on the doors but that the airline was in discussion with aircraft manufacturers with a view to coming up with a credit card system. The airline estimate that revenue from such a system would earn in the region of €23m per year.

1 comment:

snn-watcher said...

Mr O'Leary has given Europe the real gift of very cheap travel. But the pay-to-pee proposal is pulling at the most basic need a person has. My kids don't have credit cards to pee on a flight and quite a number of adults don't either. Stick fifty cent on the bottle of water and take a cucumber slice out of the sandwich please.